Saturday, 27 April 2013

Matte Painting Projection in Maya

So here is my matte painting projected in Maya. My camera movements are pretty clumsy but more than enough to show the layers of my cards that my matte painting has been projected onto.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Progress on the Jack Ass

Here is my donkey showing some of the blend shapes I built for him as well as textures and my rigging.  I have a few changes I want to make for using him in my short film, but overall I'm pleased with my progress.  I have a lattice for each eye that I still need to figure out how to put controllers on so his eyes can pop out of his head.  He's going to be a fun character to play with.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

My first attempt at a matte painting.  I really enjoyed this, but unfortunately we only have 6 weeks of matte painting.  

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Mailbox Pantomime -

Basically I had to take my existing walk cycle and build upon his character to interact with the mailbox in a believable way.  I watched alot of krumping videos to get some of the poses.

Jack Ass

This is my model of a roughly humanoid donkey.  For the purposes of my modeling class I had to design and  model a bipedal  character with hands. For the purposes of my short film that I am completing with my classmate Marie Sanginesi, I needed to model a humanoid donkey.  Luckily I was able to almost hit two birds with one stone.  I just needed to do a small modification from hands to hooves as can be seen below.

The following is a model of an Ogre that all second semester digital animation students at Centennial must complete.  The design is courtesy of Matt Lyon, our character design teacher. Our superb instructor for modelling is Bohdan Ruzycky.