Sunday, 25 August 2013

Final VFX project -

My inspiration for this project is my allergy/sensitivity to eggs.  Nuf said.  Well actually, I'm going to make a few changes to it next semester so it can go on my reel.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Ncloth Assignment -

I took my animation from 2nd semester and added a cape to him for my ncloth assignment.  nDynamics are alot of fun!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

A sculpture of Genie from Semester 2.

It was fun to get back to my sculpting roots.  If only it had been real clay and not chavant. Once I get it back from the display case I'll take some better photos with better lighting.

Lizard/Snake for VFX project

Here are some images in Mudbox of a spiny lizard head and snake body for my VFX project that I'm working on

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Animation segment from short film "Don't be an Ass"

This is a segment for my short film that I am animating while my partner in crime Marie Sanginesi is doing the lighting, texturing, and rendering.  It's basically a walk cycle that I'll be using for a few different scenes.  There's a bit of a surprise at the end.  So far I'm pretty happy with the walk cycle, but he seems a bit more crippled than just old so i may do some more tweaking.

You can see more of Marie's texturing and lighting work here -

"The Baker"

I was asked to do the modelling for a student project that will be featured at TAFFI 2013.  Pretty cool.  Here is the main character "The Baker"

Image projection and light matching in Maya

The goal was to project an image into Maya and then match the ground perspective, place in objects and then light them.